Friday, August 31, 2012

Superstars of Wrestling 9/13/1986

It’s time to get the ball rolling once again now that we’re back to a regular schedule. So Wednesday, we began Superstars of Wrestling. Today, we have another episode aired on September 13!

The show starts off with McMahon, Sammartino and Ventura presenting the night’s card. What are we waiting for!

Match: Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorrf (with Bobby “The Brain” Heenan) vs. Sivi Afi
Orndorrf enters using Hogan’s entrance music, mimicking him the whole time.
Orndorrf and Afi begin the match locked with Orndorrf gaining the early advantage with cheap shots. Afi was able to counter and get in some offense, but a failed high risk move gave Orndorrf the window to execute a piledriver.
Winner: Paul Orndorrf

This was a great match to open the card with. It had great energy and pacing with both men able to get in some pretty strong moves. I like how Afi’s risky move didn’t pay off as well. Orndorrf coming into the ring acting like Hogan was pretty funny too. 4/5

Match: Sika (with King Curtis) vs. Don Driggers
The announcer wasn’t even able to announce Driggers, with Sika immediately heading straight for him. All throughout the match, Sika had control over Driggers, not letting him even get a hit in.
Winner: Sika
My notes say this was Sika’s return to the WWF. If true this was a good match for him to return to. It showed his wildness and brutality. I’m surprised the match didn’t go on longer, but for the length it was, Sika showed the WWF he still had it. 3/5

Randy Savage had an interview concerning his No DQ Intercontinental Title match at the Boston Garden where he called the match a disgrace to him and the title.

The Islanders vs. The Moondogs
 The Moondogs… this shouldn’t take long.
The early match saw three reversals from Rex and King Tonga, eventually giving Tonga the early edge. Eventually, Spot and Tonga Kid were tagged in, with Spot wearing Kid down. Somehow Tonga Kid gained a second wind against Spot.
Winners: The Islanders
An ok match, it didn’t really excite me and there was nothing really notable about it. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great. 2/5

Now an interview with King Harley Race and Bobby Heenan. Race was ready for his match and Heenan questioned what Rowdy Roddy Piper was doing, throwing his hand in with the Machines.

Troy Martin vs. Randy “Macho Man” Savage (with Miss Elizabeth)
Finally a match where Savage doesn’t spend half the time being chased out of the ring.
Savage began the match in control over Martin, going for a couple early pins. Savage eventually did leave the ring after jumping off the top rope onto Martin and the two fighting outside the ring. Martin having no luck, was thrown back into the ring, where savage did two more leaps.
Winner: Randy Savage

This was a good match and I’m happy Randy Savage didn’t flee three times before actually fighting. I would have liked it if Martin was able to get in a few strikes, seeing as Savage isn’t one of the frighteningly crazy, wild wrestlers, but it was good. 3/5

Now on Piper’s Pit, an interview with Ken Resnick, with an interruption by Adrian Adonis to challenge Piper to a showdown of Flower Shop vs. Piper’s Pit.

Match: Super Machine, Big Machine, and Giant Machine vs. Rick Hunter, J.J. Jackson, and Al Navarro.
Super Machine and Navarro started off with Super in control, even after tagging off to Jackson. Big Machine was tagged in and dominated Jackson with a punch to the sternum
Winners: The Machines

Fun jobber match. It wasn’t that bad and had a nice finish. 3/5

Match: Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid (with Capt. Lou Albano) vs. Les Thornton and Jack Foley
(An early Foley sighting)
Smith and Thornton started off in the ring, with both men searching for ground. Smith found his grasp, giving everything he had to Thornton. After Foley was tagged in, Kid and Smith still had the advantage.
Winners: The British Bulldogs

This was a good match. Kid clotheslined Foley amazingly. My notes say it was so hard that Foley couldn’t eat solid food for weeks. It would have been better had the other two been able to get on even a small offensive run, but it wasn’t bad. 3/5

This was a good episode, earning a score of 3/5
It’s interesting to see where the whole Machine angle is going to go as well as the Orndorrf betrayal. The only poor match of the night was the Islanders/Moondogs match and that was just because it was slow and boring. I’d say my favorite match of the night was either the Main Event of Bulldogs/Foley and Thornton or the opener of Orndorrf/Afi

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